Sunday, January 30, 2011

aPad - The iPad Imitation Review

 I want to start this blog post with a saying I heard a long time ago - "God made everything, everything else - Made in China.".  Now what did I mean by that? Every time we get hold of something technological or some kind of invention whether a toy, computer, laptops, household materials, etc. we see a marking of where it's made. Now here's a question you can ask yourself - How many of those things have a "Made in" other countries aside from China? That's right, only a few.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dropbox | Free Online Storage

Ever wanted to upload files without sending it to your own email address? Here's one solution to your problem - Dropbox. Dropbox is an online storage system that can backup, synchronize, and share your files easily anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. It's actually very easy to join and I've been using it for two years now. I never had a problem with my files and I can always upload my important files then download them whenever I need them.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Support the enactment of a "Rare Disease Act of the Philippines"

Many of us may know people with rare disorders or diseases but not many of us know that a rare disease act is being pushed through congress right now. That's right, a rare disease act was filed by Senator Edgargo J. Angara last February 23, 2009. Although it was back in 2009, the legislative status of the act is still pending in the committee.

The Philippine Society for Orphan Disorders, Inc. (PSOD), a non-profit organization, founded by chairman Dra.  Carmencita Padilla, Geneticist, and it's president Mrs. Cynthia Magdaraog, a mother of a child with Pompe disease. PSOD has vision of "Our vision is to be the CENTRAL NETWORK for the advocacy and effective coordination of all viable efforts to sustain a better quality of life for the individuals with orphan or rare disorders in the Philippines" and a missoion to "Our mission is to uphold the primary concerns and welfare of individuals with rare disorders by". Before PSOD was founded, in the past fifteen years medical professionals from the University of the Philippines, National Institutes of Health, and Institute of Human Genetics have been continuously attending to the needs of these orphans.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

GE X5 Digital Camera User Experience

I finally got the chance to explore the GE X5 ever since I got to use it two weeks ago. GE or General Electronics, a Korean owned company, produce their cameras to be low to mid-end compact cameras. Let the pictures and videos I've taken using the camera speak for itself. (Note: The pictures have been compressed for easy uploading.)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My 23rd Birthday - A Day Full of Surprises and Love!

January 15, 2011 - The date of my 23rd birthday.

Today, I celebrated my 23rd birthday here in Iloilo. There was no party or food but my birthday was still complete thanks to people who care for and love me. I wish I could have spent it in Aklan together with Ati-atihan festival but certain circumstances like a busy schedule would not permit it to happen. Still, it was a happy birthday and I could not ask for more.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Download Youtube Videos Directly from any Browser

Youtube is the most popular video site in the world today and everybody wants a copy of their favorite videos from Youtube. Many try different Youtube Downloader softwares available on the web. They come in free but the hassle of downloading them and updating to fit Youtube's upgrades. Here's one easy thing that you can do to download videos from Youtube without any hassle. Just go to:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Share Your Internet Connection in Windows 7

If you only have one line for internet connections in your home, it's a big problem if your mother, father, sisters, and brothers are also online 24/7. There's a way to connect everyone by buying a router to share the connection through wifi but did you know if your laptop has Wifi capability and runs on Windows 7 that you can use your laptop as a router?
 Here's how to share Your Internet Connection in Windows 7 in Eight easy steps:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rockmelt - New, Fast, Social Networking Browser

Here's a new web browser I've recently discovered which takes web browsing and social networking to a new level. It's called Rockmelt and it's free too. It looks like a Google Chrome but with new added features focused on social networking. This is extremely useful nowadays especially that a lot of people are online with their social networking accounts on. It can integrate with Facebook, Twitter, and other networking sites.
Here are some pictures of the browser.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My First Reader's Digest Issue

I'm not really fond of reading books or magazines but this one issue of Reader's Digest™ really caught my eye. What had me buying this January 2011 issue from them is the label on the front cover "NEW TECH TOYS FOR 2011". I'm really fond of technological innovations Democratizing Innovationand love to read or know more about them. It got me buying the issue and it's also the first issue of Reader's Digest I bought myself.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Won | YugaTech on Ovi App Contest

Ever since I stumbled upon Yugatech for some unknown reason, I've been following it ever since especially that it's owned by a Filipino (Cheers to Abeo Landres!). Every now and then, Yugatech hosts contests that boasts amazing prizes. The most recent contests I've joined include the BlackBerry-Yugatech Give-away, Show me WD win 500GB, and the Lenovo-Yugatech Laptop Give-away. The next contest is the Yugatech on Ovi 12 days of Christmas which I've won a consolation prize of either a Globe Tattoo 3G USB dongle or Php 500 Globe Load.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Christmas Diet - Stomach's the Limit

Christmas Season is a holiday where we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. It is also the time of the year where hearts are happy and everyone tends to become more generous. This Christmas gifts were given and received but the highlight for me this Christmas was the food.