Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Resize and Compress Photos Using Microsoft Office Picture Manager

Are you fond of uploading pictures to Facebook or sending them through emails? You might have encountered diffculties uploading or sending them because the file sizes are too big and your internet connection is not so fast. Here's a short tutorial that you can use everytime you need to upload a photo to Facebook faster or send them through emails.

Some may still not know this (maybe a few) but you can use Microsoft Office Picture Manager for simple editing/managing your photos. It comes free with the Microsoft Office Suite 2003, 2007, and 2010. Here are some of the steps you can do to compress or resize your photos.

1. Open Microsoft Office Picture Managing by going to:
     Start | Go to the Microsoft Office Folder | Microsoft Office Tools | Click Microsoft Office Picture Manager
Click on the images to see a better view
 2. Once in Microsoft Office Picture Manager, go to the folder where your pictures are using the navigation bar at the left of the screen.
 3. Select Edit from the Menu Bar and Click Select All to select all of the pictures or you can manually select the photos you want to edit by holding the CTRL key while clicking the photos you want to edit.
 4. Now click the Edit Pictures button at the top.

 5. At the right hand corner of the screen, you can now choose to resize or compress your photos. Resizing mainly changes the dimensions of the photos while compressing would change the dimension plus greatly reduce the size of the image depending on your preferred compression.

 6. In Resizing, you can choose between a predefined width and height, custom width and height, or a percentage of the original width and height.
 7. In Compressing, you can choose to compress the pictures for documents, web pages, or email messages. This is the most useful tool I could find in this program.
 8. After completing your edits, go to the menu tab and select File then click Save All to save all your edits.
 There it is, an easy way to compress your pictures for easy uploading or sharing using Microsoft Office Picture Manager. If you find this tutorial useful, please don't forget to comment below.

Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | How to Resize and Compress Photos Using Microsoft Office Picture Manager