Monday, August 1, 2011

How to Download Videos by Batch in Youtube

Are you subscribed to a certain user in Youtube? Do you want to download all their videos without going through the hassle of downloading them one by one using KEEPVID? Here's a simple yet effective program you can download for free.

This program is call ViBaFu which is short for Video Backup Fusion. It's very easy to download and there is no need for you to install it. Just extract the file and open the program. You can download the file at

Once opened you can now start downloading a users uploaded videos or playlists. Take a look at the screenshots below.

After opening ViBaFu just input the username of the person who uploaded the video. In this example, I searched for the uploads of Mikey Bustos. Click either the upload or playlists of the user to start indexing the videos. After the videos are indexed, select the videos you want to download. Select the output folder where you want the files to go after downloading them. Click download and all you have to do now is wait for your downloads to finish.

There you have it, an easy way to download all videos with just one click of the download button.

Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | How to Download Videos by Batch in Youtube


  1. How to Download Videos by Batch in Youtube @

  2. Download the latest version here:

  3. Love this program. My crap internet connection at home means I have to download any videos I want to watch at work or at a coffee shop. A backup program like this is key.

    Thanks for highlighting it.
