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After downloading the file, open it to install and just follow the on-screen instructions. There are a lot of uses for Gumnotes and here's how:
Just right click the Gumnotes icon at the system tray where it will be found by default. Here you are given options like adding a new note, attaching a note with the currently open program, setting Gumnotes asleep or activating it, the options, shutting down Gumnotes, or simply managing your notes.
After opening a file, a document, or a website from any browser, just open Gumnotes, click New Note or New Note with Gum-effect and add the note you want to remember the next time you open that document or favorite website. After saving the note, it will automatically notify you the next time you open that document or website.
Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | A non-Sticky Way to Remember Things on Your Computer
A non-Sticky Way to Remember Things on Your Computer @