Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Philippines and Beyond's 2011 Planner Contest

So here's one of the blog's I'm currently following and they have a contest with the prize of a rare leather Starbucks 2011 Planner. The blog is found at and is celebrating it's third year this coming January 2011. The contest involves answering 2 questions - 1 blog post per question, per person.
Here's the link to the contest: Free! Rare Leather Starbucks 2011 Planner Contest

So here's the question I'm going to answer:

Q1: How did the true spirit of Christmas come alive in your Christmas?
The true spirit of Christmas came alive for me this year when I got to attend the midnight mass at Christmas again after a long time. This is a very special year for me because not only did I get to celebrate Christmas for its true meaning - Jesus, but I also got to celebrate it with my beloved girlfriend for the first time in 7 years.

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