Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Diet 101: Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet aka General Diet aka Regular diet aka Full Diet aka Complete diet. 

What is a balanced diet? A balanced diet is a food preparation which provides complete nutrients as well as supplies carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber in their normal proportions. It is the basis for all diet modifications.

  • Eat 3 meals a day instead of frequent ones or eating between meals.
  • Establish a regular eating habit. When you eat breakfast at 6 am, do so regularly.
  • Eat a heavy breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a light supper
  • Eat food of the right kind, at the right time and interval, in the right amount, and in the right condition of mind, so eating in a relaxed atmosphere is ideal.
  • Have at least a 5-hour interval between meals for digestion to be efficient. Last meal of the day should be taken at least 3 hours before sleeping unless you want to commit suicide by eating a heavy meal before sleeping to increase your chance of pancreatitis.
  • Eat more fresh fruits instead of rich desserts but can you really resist a mango float, it has fruits. :-?
  • Eat at least one serving of dark green leafy vegetables a day.
  • Eat more unrefined, unprocessed foods.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated beverages. For those who can't be satisfied with plain water after eating, try drinking soft drinks instead of water and maybe you'll tell yourself you've had enough. P.S. not for diabetics.
  • Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day between meals.
  • Include a variety of foods each meal. 
  • Take time to enjoy your food. Do not hurry.
I'll have a 3-day meal plan written on my next article. :-?

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