Saturday, June 6, 2009

As my first article in this blog I will enumerate things that make my life from boring to exciting.First up is what I'm currently busy with right now and that is After Effects. So let's bring up our online encyclopedia to define it for us. According to wikipedia Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics and compositing software published by Adobe systems. Its main purpose is for film and video post-production. For more information regarding this program, check their website at
So how did I this become a hobby of mine? Well, it as it turns out I'm interested in making films or animations and it really amazes me as to how technology has put it into the hands of simple people like me. Imagine back in the past where people made films and animations but they had to have special training or skills to do it. It could have been their hobby and it's what got them a job but hey, they had to have necessary and professional skills to do it. Today, with the technology that we have, even a person without prior knowledge or skills could get the hang of it even in just 24 hours. But today with programs like after effects, what they did with the first film of Mickey Mouse (one of my favorite cartoon characters growing up) can be done by an amatuer in after effects. I just can't stop talking about after effects because it has really amazed me of its capabilities but enough of that, let's go on to my next hobby which is...
Another adobe product, Photoshop, the first program that really intertwined my interests in digital designs. If I could recall, oh crap, i can't recall how I first got my hands on photoshop cause it's been a long time since I've started using this program. But anyway, I guess I was just out in the mall looking for some cd's to buy until I came across a cd of photoshop cs2. The picture on the disc that really got me buying the cd was a picture of a building with an edited copy of it by its side. I don't know what got me interested in that picture but I sure bought that cd. So right from the moment I first opened CS2 on my slow laptop I was already amazed even with the lasso tool alone from the tutorial and it just went on and on with amazement.
So the next hobby on the list is downloading. My day wouldn't be quite right if I haven't downloaded anything. Everything in the net out there is just ripe to be downloaded. It's like impulsive shopping in the mall only that my mall is the internet. And the net is complete with all the resources you need even some for free.

The most important hobby for me which really makes my life complete is going on a date with my tender, loving and caring girlfriend, Kaye, and watching movies every month. We just love to watch new movies especially box office hits(so we get our money's worth, especially now that movies here in the provinces in the Philippines can cost as much as P100.50. We used to watch it 6 years back then at only about P35.50, I don't know I can't remember anymore but what I remember was it was very cheap!
That's what I'll blog right now. Add some later. :-?

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