Saturday, August 11, 2012

Information Security and Technology

Back in the days, when you needed information the library is the first thing that comes into mind. Nerds and researchers alike would most likely be found in a library decades ago. Now, the term library is being associated into what we call now as the Internet.

Information is the most powerful resource in the world and making it available to just about anybody is a big risk for security not only from a single individual to a nation but to the whole world. Information technology has been fast and furious in its advancement that what you know today may be different tomorrow.

The technology of the internet today is filled with vast information that securing every single information in it is impossible. Security in today's world wide web has turned from open to a mostly encrypted site to protect their data from hackers. Hackers have come from simple information thefts to stealing hundreds and billions of dollars, that's where the security guards of the cyber world come in.

Internet security has come from a couple of cyber security companies to more than 50 brands of trusted spyware firms. They provide everything to secure your data and information from a simple antivirus to a complex security suite. All companies have different methods of securing your data but all have one goal, to protect the users from viruses and hackers out there. They are presently more focused on spywares that injects a program into a computer then the hackers access all the information on the computer especially credit card information.

The best thing about today's technology is that it has been very useful for everybody. The only downside to this is that with great information comes great risk of security. So be careful to whom you give your personal information on the web, identity thieves are everywhere.

Copyright 2012 Notes on Hobbies | Information Security and Technology

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