Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy to be with you at 24 and Forever

 There were times in my life when my birthday didn't sound much like a birthday but rather another day where I turned a year older. These were the times I was away from my family and loved ones, left all alone to myself. It is true that life is too short for you not to celebrate even one of your birthdays. Although these days are behind me now, I still regret that I did not enjoy them to the fullest but past is past so I'm looking forward to celebrate every single one of my remaining birthdays, with you.

Last January 15, 2012 was my 24th Birthday and how a wonderful day it was thanks to my beloved Kaye Panizales. It was one of the best birthdays I've had and will never forget. She surprised me with everything that I ever wanted to do on a birthday. I couldn't have asked for more, her love for me was the greatest gift of all. Here's a story of what really happened that day...

First part of the day I was all by myself because she had to go on duty. I spent my morning playing the computer and fixing my room which I haven't done in weeks. I was excited of what would happen later and felt uneasy not knowing what to do while waiting for a special evening ahead. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, played games on my PC but I wouldn't. It was a very long time waiting but it was all worth it in the end.

I didn't know where we were going or what we are going to do, I just left it for Kaye to surprise me. After her duty, I came to see her and the first surprise came - a letter. The letter was the appetizer as it made my heart melt and yearning for more surprises to come. The letter she wrote as always tells me how much she loves me and I really love knowing it every time, makes me secure but of course who wouldn't like to know that the person they're with loves them - every single day until the end of time.

The next thing she told me was the main event of the evening and it came through a whisper. She said "Pardon me for my gift to you on your 24th Birthday, it's very simple - not extravagant or anything grand, just a simple get together. We're going to eat dinner somewhere we have not eaten yet - Steps of Rome in Plazuela, Diversion Road, Iloilo City. Then after that we're going to watch a movie of your choice." For some it may not be something but for me it was everything I was looking for in a Birthday. A simple dinner, and a thing we used to do all the time back when we were not as busy with work - watching movies in the theaters.It was a surprise to me and I smiled my heart out knowing that she had all of this planned for me because I usually decide where we go on a date unless she has her suggestions.

When we arrived in Steps of Rome, it was a surprise for us as they had an eat all you can buffet for the night. We first took a look at the menu to see if something interesting comes up. We thought that if we chose the buffet, we will have a lot of food choices compared to a la carte servings. The food there was great and we had a nice time doing the thing we love the most to do together - EATING!

Next stop was watching a movie and SM Cinema lined up a lot of good movies. She said we could watch two movies but too bad we arrived late. I wanted to watch Sherlock and Ghost Protocol but the first one already started and Ghost Protocol seemed to be a good movie. We watched Ghost Protocol starring Tom Cruise. I was surprised that Ghost Protocol now included a lot of comedy scenes, well that's better than not laughing at all in a movie. Same old Mission Impossible movie, a lot of twists under a lot of twists but the thing was I enjoyed the movie and enjoyed it with Kaye - now that was the most important part.

The day came to an end and it came to a beautiful ending, a birthday worth remembering. Thank you baby for the wonderful day and the love you show and give me everyday - I feel so loved that I could not ask for more. As corny as this may sound but it goes true to me - you COMPLETE me.

I also like to thank God, for without him - everything would not exist. To my mother and father, for being the best parents to me and my siblings. Thank you for making me the man that I am now. I could never repay what you've done for me but I will do my best to take care of you both when the time comes. Thank you to Kaye's mom and father for cooking me a delightful and delicious spaghetti with matching cake! Thank you to all who greeted me in texts and on my Facebook account, knowing how many people greeted just added toppings to my already great birthday.

Teacher Lina, me, my dad

Mom and me

Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | Happy to be with you at 24 and Forever

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Mini High School Reunion

After the wedding I attended (see previous post), I went straight to our mini-high school reunion back in Iloilo. It was a yearly gathering every December and this was our (Kaye and I) to attend. It was held in Red Paprika, Boardwalk in Smallville, Diversion Road, Iloilo City.

This was a funny experience because we still haven't been to the place and the driver of the taxi we took also didn't know the place, we even passed over the place. The driver had to stop and move to a reverse to get the entrance road. Finally, we got to the venue and there they were, our High School Classmates! About ten or more classmates arrived ahead of us but it was okay as the fun hasn't started yet.

During reunions, if you don't want to get teased a lot when you arrive, you need to arrive early. If you want the spotlight, come in late, very late and the latest would be when everyone is saying their goodbyes. Why the heck would you even dare to come that late?

The reunion was a happy and what our male classmates can't help but do - full of teasing and jokes. The reactions from the one being teased about and joked about is far different from when we were back in High School. Back in the days, my classmates would be chasing the one teasing them or punching them in the arm for making fun of them in front of others. But that day, it was all full of laughter and humility as everybody just road along with the jokes.

Dinner was quick as most of the guys were already drinking. The highlight of the the reunion was the game called Pinoy Henyo. A very fun and exciting game unfortunately not everybody knew how to play it so a lot of bloopers there. Anyway, it was still fun at the end as the comments and questions asked to correctly guess the chosen word were hilarious and with other meaning.

The reunion ended with picture taking of course and a lot of hugs and goodbyes. No tears were shed but a lot of laughter erupted from missing each other. I will always remember all my classmates one by one as my high school life was the main sculptor the molded me in the way that I am today. God bless West Visayas State Univeristy Integrated Laboratory School - Secondary Batch 2004!

Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | The Mini High School Reunion

Monday, January 23, 2012

Off to an Enchanted Wedding

The last few months have been very busy and just left me to lose my touch in writing on this blog of mine. Anyway I'm back and with a lot of stories to tell. First off is the first official wedding I've attended (although I've been a ring bearer in my uncle's wedding once when I was young) and will probably be the second best wedding to me and my soul mate's wedding.

The wedding was of my soul mate's sister and her long-time suitor.  It was held in Fernbrook Gardens in Las PiƱas, Metro Manila last December 28, 2011. The wedding was a dream come true for the bride as all her visions of her fantasy wedding came true at the right moment in time. Preparations for the wedding were carefully thought of and every thing was in place from the rings to the on-site video.

Arriving to the venue alone left a lot of the guests in awe because it was as if you were about to enter into another world. A world full of fantasy and staying there would make you forget the harsh world out there. I felt like I was in a dream world and nothing could go wrong in it and nothing did.

For me, the best part of the wedding was the entrance of the bride, it almost made me cry three times. It was the most grand of grand entrances, I'd bet on it anytime. On the on-site video, the groom allegedly tried to wipe his tears during this moment of bliss but he denied it. No offense to the groom but in my case I'd be proud I cried because I don't cry and cry only on a blue moon. I will always be proud I cried for the only woman I will love forever.

The wedding was a very romantic one, no doubt. It can surpass any celebrity's wedding and will always be remembered by the people who attended it. The most awaited part - the wedding kiss was also in perfect timing. Although the music that played during the kiss was not chosen by the couple it was still in rhyme with the moment. I captured it on video and wow it was amazing.

The venue and the program that followed just topped it all off and there's nothing more that I could say. It was fun, exciting, romantic, unforgettable, dreamy, fantasy, and I can't wait to plan our own dream wedding in the future.

Anyway, congratulations to the both of you - Nong Edbri and Ng Vanessa! Have a great and happily married life! Cheers!

And also, great job to Mayad Studios for the wonderful and creative wedding video. I can't wait to see the full take. Thanks to one of their founders, Fiel, for entertaining all my queries.

Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | Off to an Enchanted Wedding