Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our 8th Valentines

Kaye and I have been together now for 8 years and it's like were still where we were when we fell in love with each other. It's like we've been through a lot but the sweetness and romance just keeps pouring on, we are never full. We always make sure there is something new. We get stuck at doing some things for a long time but we always find a way to journey into new adventures together.

This Valentines day was another adventure and was it the first time ever for us. The itinerary was not set up until February 13 because I wasn't sure if this event would be right for us. I had my doubts and was very much anxious about what's going to happen. I decided to surprise her and even surprised my self in the process.

I brought her to a Valentine event, the first we've been to as we usually go out on an independent dinner date. The event was entitled Grand Wine Romance which was held at La tolda (The Tent) in Plazuela and was even featured in The Daily Guardian, a local newspaper. I decided to have our date at this event for one, it will be the first for both of us and two, we love new things.

The event started at 7 PM but before that we had a small exchange of gifts. I brought her 3 roses to to signify I love you and as always a letter with a poem in it. She gave me a letter too and a the cover was even personally done by her, I so love it when she acts so cute. Then one more, a thing I needed right now as I consumed mine - a perfume and it really smells good. We just love to give each other simple but meaningful gifts because we both believe it's still the thought that counts and not how much the gift is worth in money.

When we arrived at La Tolda, (oh and I just remembered scouting the place 3 days before to know if it was nice and romantic) a flowery and romantically designed entrance flashed upon us and it really set the mood for the people there. On the way though I my tongue slipped and gave her a hunch where we were going but she wasn't expecting anything from what the event had to offer. She had no idea and even said "Where are we? What is this place? What are we going to do here?" when we got there. We showed our tickets and was pointed to our designated table. Everything went right except that we had to share a round table with 3 other couples. I was disappointed as I thought the table would cater only to a couple and not be shared.

There was no time for disappointment though as the food they served was a buffet of Italian and Spanish food all good in taste. We grabbed our food which ranged for a garlicky ox tongue to a pasta with a variety of servings. We enjoyed eating our dinner while two musicians played acoustic music up on the stage. As the event title suggested, it was all about wine and drinks. We set out to choose the wine we would drink and the one we chose never tasted so good. It's true that there are still a lot of wines out there but the one we had called Gossips (peach flavored) tasted so delicious.

Then the main event of the evening was ready to perform for us. A performance of a very good and entertaining violinist got up on the stage in the name of John Lesaca. As you will see in the video I posted below, he is one amazing performer. Everybody was heads up to him and didn't blink the whole time he performed. He played his violin as if he was singing the piece himself. He also answered my thoughts because I wanted to hear a violinist sing while playing and he did. He was a very entertaining musician and everybody loved his music. The both of us were in awe as this is the first time we both heard a violinist play it live.

After his performance, the next part was dancing but we made a pass for it (especially me). The night was so romantic and perfect I did not even imagine it would go so well. The thing I like about planning dates is that it just comes naturally and candid which makes it all the more romantic. Only one sad ending to this story as Kaye left her phone in the taxi we rode back home. The worst part was the taxi driver turned the phone off after a few rings. The taxi driver was under the company GDR Taxi services and I've heard other rumors that their drivers don't give back what was left in their taxi. So if you read this, be careful of their taxis. (That really got me pissed of).

Anyway it was a very unforgettable experience and Valentines day to celebrate. To my baby, thank you for being such a wonderful date. I love you so much!

Copyright 2011 Notes on Hobbies | Our 8th Valentines